Hey! I’m Adi.

I’ve got as many uses as a Swiss Army knife. Let’s unpack that.

Feature #1: Design and Art Direction

I’m a multidisciplinary designer who loves to solve visual puzzles. From an animated social post, to a hard-cover book, to a dynamic website, my focus as a designer and art director is on how color and composition can best communicate the message.

My 5+ years of experience in start up, fashion, and agency environments doesn’t tell the full picture— the privilege of being both Gen Z and a total nerd means I mastered photoshop by age 14. Since entering the professional world, I’ve gotten the opportunity to perfect my skills from the systems knowledge of brand building, to the nitty gritty of digital-social ads and activations.

My team knows that they can count on me to accomplish any task with efficiency, without compromising quality. As a born-and-bred overachiever, the greatest gift my coworkers, mentors, and managers have given me is learning the balance between independence and collaboration.

Feature #2: Team Spirit

In addition to client work (hello Uber, T-Mobile, Hulu, and SC Johnson), I jump at the opportunity to use my skills in design and beyond to contribute to a positive workplace environment. I’ve been the brain behind Decoded’s culture club’s most well attended events, art directed our holiday card, and spearheaded design for our internal promotional materials.

Feature #3: Community Building

Outside of the office, I have a passion for building space for my LA community. My partner and I run a community-led artist’s salon series called “In Our Own Spaces.” Bringing together artists for deep and impactful conversation is a great passion of mine, and one step toward my long term goal of running an artist residency.

Feature #4: Art

If there’s anything that my neuro-psych degree taught me, it’s that the most interesting part of the human brain is virtually inaccessible. Drawing is a portal to the subconscious— drawing is thinking— and it’s an incredible creative outlet. Creating space for my artistic practice is how I access the deep knowledge I need to contribute to bettering my self, my environment, and my community.

I’m probably already stalking you. Check me out on linkedIn.
